Tuesday, October 11, 2011

THE ATTITUDE BLOG: Comfort is death!!!!!

THE ATTITUDE BLOG: Comfort is death!!!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

THE ATTITUDE BLOG: Comfort is death!!!!!

THE ATTITUDE BLOG: Comfort is death!!!!!: Well, as my thought goes....there is no straight way to head in life. Its like either you go up or you go down. Each of our mental activitie...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

THE ATTITUDE BLOG: Comfort is death!!!!!

THE ATTITUDE BLOG: Comfort is death!!!!!: Well, as my thought goes....there is no straight way to head in life. Its like either you go up or you go down. Each of our mental activitie...

Rheumatoid Arthritis.......

Unlike other kinds of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, where our immune system starts acting against our own body.

CAUSES: No specific cause of rheumatoid arthritis is known. However, it generally to be transferred genetically, or due to age, stress or other environmental factors. 75% of the patints are women in it.

SYMPTOMS: Intense pain in joints and areas near ankles and knees, stiff joints. If neglected for a long time it may lead to shrinking and weakness of muscles around joints.

Approach for treatment: There is no direct way to the treatment, However apart from medical advice that an expert can give, there are a few self measures that we can take, which will subside the ailment effectively. There can to be two way approach for rheumatoid arthritis. First is by decreasing the inflammation and the joint damage and the other is by reducing the symptoms.

1. Moving joints in full range of motion, without giving stress and taking rest in between.
2. Butterfly aasan
3. Pavan Mukta Asana
4. Pranayam like anulom vilom, kapalbhati, etc.

Home Remedies:
1.Soke methi( fenugreek seeds) overnight in water and drink the water as first thing in the morning.
2.Wheat grass juice has known to be the best remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.
3.Fresh vegetable juice helps too to prevent joint deteoration.

Making extra efforts to adopt these in lifestyle will surely make our situation better.