Thursday, June 23, 2011


HOW CHRONIC: Approximately 350 million people worldwide have arthritis. Nearly 40 million people in the United States are affected by arthritis!!!!!!!!!!!! 50% of them are below 60 years of age and 60% of them are women.

TYPES AND REASONS: In short, arthritis is 'swelling of bones in the joint area'. There are not less than 90 forms of arthritis, which are caused due to varied reasons, including age,stress,hereditary factors, bacterial and viral infections, or a misdirected immune system.

SYMPTOMS:Arthritis is accompanied by mild to severe joint pain,joint stiffness, non functioning of joints, etc.

DIAGNOSIS: Doctors perform a series of physical examinations, tests, blood tests and x-rays tests to confirm arthritis.

Now we will talk about various aspects of TREATMENT of arthritis!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Medications prescribed try to cure the causes of arthritis, but most of the times; causes are not much curable. In that case medications are given to reduce the symptoms and to prevent further deterioration.

However making certain lifestyle changes, will really be a relief for arthritis and many a times a cure as well!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOGA: is very beneficial in reducing joints pains and increasing the blood circulation of the joints.Few asanas and pranayams help giving long term relief to arthritis if done regularly.

ASANAS: Veerasana (Warrior pose),Trikonasana (Triangle pose), Vrikshasana (Tree pose), Pavanamuktasana (1 leg & 2 legs), Makarasana, Swastikasana, Januhastasana, Hastashirasana, Ekpadsahajhasta, Bhujangasana, Dwipadsahajhasta, Bhujangasana, Ankle Crank yoga,are helpful when done slowly, for small durations while not exerting oneself. Will sure be giving the images of these asanas soon.
PRANAYAM: Basic beep breathing for relaxation, Anulom vilom(deep breathing by alternate nostrils),are helpful as well.
These can be done as per your liking for minimum 1 minute each to as per your time availability.

1. Drinking 1 cup potato juice in the morning as first thing.
2. Drinking warm water with lime juice in the morning as first thing.
3. Massaging painful joints with castor oil.
4. Taking more of garlic,spinach, dates, fenugreek in diet.
5. Eating less of fried and spicy foods,stale or cold food.
6. Avoiding fast food and cold drinks.
7. Sunbath for 10 to 15 mins is very useful as well.

These remedies are general cure for arthritis, where effectiveness will vary from person to person. Although these are proven methods to get relief from arthritis so they are worth trying. Making lifestyle changes are ot easy but steadily we can start doing what is possible, slowly we will find us doing what we thought was impossible before!!!!!!!!!!!! Once they are part of our lifestyle, we will be doing it effortlessly as a habit. STAY HEALTHY!!!!!


  1. nice info!!!
    nicely collated from our greek GOD..Google!! .. :)
    keep it up Diidss!! :)

  2. Hey this is a very comprihensive information. I would like to know more about Rhematoid Arthritis

  3. Sure vaishali.... u will get that in my next post...
